The new European “Acceleration Event” that DITECFER is organising in Tuscany is entitled “Artificial Intelligence Made Easy for Railway and Mobility Value Chains – AI-Enabled Railway and Mobility Applications to Boost European Industrial Value Chains. – Use-Cases and Tools for Products, Services, Operations, Business Models” will be held in Florence (Italy) on 7-8 June.
After last year’s success on Blockchain Technology – with the three-day Acceleration Event in Marina di Carrara -, DITECFER is doubling up this year with Artificial Intelligence, putting together a programme that aims to provide participants with a complete path of knowledge on Artificial Intelligence, starting from the fundamentals, going through a wide range of use-cases in rail, mobility and multimodality, and completing the path with working groups, an overview of the national and European tools and funds already available, and the last but not least topic of the skills needed to introduce the technology, both as users and developers. The aim is to enable participants to become ‘more autonomous’ in conceiving and developing solutions that use this advanced technology to provide ever-better solutions for the railway sector.
The event is organised in the framework of the EU-funded project “STARS – STrategic Alliances boosting Railway Smes” coordinated by DITECFER, in the framework of the new EDIH-European Digital Innovation Hub “AI MAGISTER” where DITECFER is co-founder, and as an initiative of ERCI-European Railway Clusters Initiative. The event also benefits from collaborating with the EDIH Tuscany X.0, EEN-Enterprise Europe Network Eurosportello and DIH-Digital Innovation Hub Toscana.
The detailed agenda here:

The Speakers:
- Abrate Silvio (Mr), Head of Industry 4.0, LINKS Foundation (Italy)
- Ancarani Guido (Mr), Business Development DITECFER (Italy), Director Operations ERCI-European Railway Clusters Initiative (Belgium)
- Bocci Veronica Elena (Ms), Coordinator DITECFER, Coordinator of the STARS project (Italy), Vice President ERCI-European Railway Clusters Initiative (Belgium)
- Bongiovanni Antonio (Mr), Building Technologies, Sales Channel Management, Bosch Security Systems (Italy) Brevi Daniele (Mr), Head of Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) Lab, LINKS Foundation (Italy)
- Calegari Roberta (Ms), Research Assistant, Alma AI - Alma Mater Research Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, University of Bologna (Italy)
- Caporale Simone (Mr), Coordinator EDIH AI MAGISTER (Italy)
- Cappellini Marco (Mr), CEO and Co-Founder Centrica (Italy)
- Carboni Andrea (Mr), Researcher Signals and Images (SI), ISTI-CNR (Italy)
- Casati Stefano (Mr), Sales Engineer, Geco (Italy)
- Cerqua Antonio (Mr), Head of Technology Consulting, Almawave (Italy)
- Chierroni Niccolò (Mr), CEO, MerMec Engineering (Italy)
- Chioutakou Eleni (Ms), EDIH-European Digital Innovation Hub Tuscany X.0 (Italy)
- D’Andria Gaetano (Mr), R&D Project Manager, Hitachi Rail (Italy)
- Dragoni Aldo Franco (Mr), Associate Professor of Artificial Intelligence, Marche Polytechnic University (Italy)
- Esposito Vincenzo (Mr), Head of Railway Division, Intecs Solutions (Italy)
- Fantechi Alessandro (Mr), Full Professor in Information Science and President of the School of Engineering of the University of Florence, Research Associate at ISTI CNR-National Research Council of Italy in the Formal Methods & Tools Group (Italy)
- Fasano Francesco (Mr), AI Engineer, Hitachi Rail (Italy)
- Franchini Francesco (Mr), Manager BU SPDM & Multidisciplinary Optimization, EnginSoft (Italy)
- Fratelli Luigi (Mr), Head of Global Vehicles R&D, Hitachi Rail (Italy-Global)
- Garriga Mas Laia (Ms), Technology Transfer Manager on Applied Artificial Intelligence, EURECAT – Technological Centre of Catalunya (Spain)
- Gazit Moshe (Mr), Director of Business Development, Thinkz (Israel)
- Graber Giuseppe (Mr), R&D Project Manager, Hitachi Rail (Italy)
- Lewis Ernest Glyndwr (Mr), Technical Director Z Lab (Italy)
- Monti Alessandro (Mr), General Manager, Foundation for Research and Innovation of the University of Florence (Italy)
- Moroni Davide (Mr), First Researcher Signals and Images (SI), ISTI-CNR (Italy)
- Nanetti Mattia (Mr), Co-Founder, WENDA (Italy)
- Paties Léa (Ms), Senior Programme Manager, Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (Belgium)
- Potena Pasqualina (Ms), Senior Researcher, RISE (Sweden)
- Ramondetta Silvia (Ms), Coordinator, DIH-Digital Innovation Hub Toscana (Italy)
- Rucher Luigi (Mr), International Innovation Director, Thales GTS-Ground Transport Systems GBU (Italy-Global), Chairman DITECFER Technological Committee (Italy)
- Vangelista Valeria (Ms), EU Funding Advisor and Project Manager, EEN Eurosportello Confesercenti (Italy)
- Varol Tolga (Mr), Managing Director, DriveTrust (France)
- Vatta Lorna (Ms), Technical Coordinator, EDIH-European Digital Innovation Hub Tuscany X.0 (Italy)
- Vittorini Valeria (Ms), Professor of Information Processing Systems, University of Naples Federico II (Italy)
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